What is an Email Welcome Sequence?

Are you new to the online business world?

Then you may have heard about welcome sequences and desperately wanted to ask other business owners what they were talking about, but couldn’t bring yourself to raise your hand.

I get it. In the online business world, we all want to seem like we know it all and have it all together. 

Today, you’re in luck because I’m going to show you everything you need to know about welcome sequences but were afraid to ask, including how to differentiate it from its cousin–the regular email.

What is a Welcome Sequence?

I'm not here to bury the lead; in simple terms, a welcome sequence means a set of emails that welcomes someone to your email list and this describes you, your business, and what they can expect from being on your email list. 

Welcome sequences aim to introduce you and your business to new subscribers, create warm leads, and possibly sell a low ticket offer.

It also gets the subscriber used to seeing you in their inbox.

Why is a Welcome Sequence Important?

You may come across people in online business who don’t like automated email sequences.

However, an email welcome sequence allows you to build trust and establish credibility with your audience. This means that your audience will get to know you more quickly and know that you mean business. 

When you have an email welcome sequence, you'll be able to show your audience you know what you’re talking about and get them to trust you sooner than if you just put them into your regular newsletter right off the bat.

On top of that, a good welcome sequence can engage your subscribers right off the bat. 

For example:

In my welcome sequence for my 90 Days of Social Media Content, I invite subscribers to work with me in the welcome sequence. I have had several people reach out to me for help with their social media as a result of this welcome sequence.

How to Write an Email Welcome Sequence

When I first started learning about email welcome sequences, I felt incredibly overwhelmed. The fact that I was supposed to write numerous emails to introduce myself and my business made me freak out. I thought it was going to take forever and I thought it was a waste of time. My open rates, however, show that I was thankfully wrong.

Luckily, writing an email welcome sequence is more complex in theory than in practice.

I've put together a few writing tips below to help you better understand how to write an email welcome sequence. 

#1: Keep it Simple

This is especially important as you first start out writing email welcome sequences. Some people teach very complicated sequences that are quite lengthy. These are great for people who have been in the online business world for a while and know what they are doing. 

For beginners, I recommend keeping it simple and writing like you are writing to a friend. What would you tell a friend about yourself? What would you tell a friend about your business? 

#2: Invite Your Subscribers to Respond

These emails are going to be largely about you because you are trying to build the like-know-trust factor in your subscribers. Frankly, it can get boring and overwhelming. I like to invite my subscribers to tell me more about them and how they found me or how they relate to my niche (which is online business). This keeps them engaged and part of the conversation. Plus, I get to know more about the people on my list. 

#3: Tell Your Subscribers What to Expect

 At the end of your welcome sequence, you should tell your subscribers what they should expect next from you. Will you send weekly or monthly emails? (I suggest weekly, but that’s another blog post.) What will you talk about in your emails? Why should they read your emails? What will you ask your subscribers to do in these emails? 

It’s important to be transparent and tell your subscribers exactly what they can expect from you. 

Explainer Video Time: Email Welcome Sequence

Still not sure you get how to write an email welcome sequence well enough to do it on your own? We all learn in different ways.

Check out this video to see if it helps you out:

Isn't Brittany a clever cookie? I especially like that she calls it her Julie Andrews Sequence.

I hope email welcome sequences are crystal clear to you now.

I first launched Bohannon Virtual Solutions because I wanted to help busy online business owners like you. 

Do you still have questions? No shame in that! You can contact me here or find me on social media, where I'm always happy to answer any questions.

One thing you can do to get started with email welcome sequences is grab my Inbox Igniter. It is a template of what to write in your email welcome sequence. 

Click here to buy it now for ONLY $9!


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